Valencia eyes success at OT

Monday, July 13, 2009
MUTV presenter David Stowell put his Spanish to the test on Monday to quiz new signing Antonio Valencia...

So, Antonio, welcome to Manchester United. How does it feel to be a footballer at this club?
Thank you very much. I’m very pleased and very proud to be here. It’s great to be at such a big club and now I have to work hard. It's a big campaign for the club this year and I hope to be a big part of the team’s success.

How has training been here with the other players and what’s it like compared to your time at Wigan?
It’s hard to say because it’s my first day [in training] but the lads have been very welcoming. That’s really important and it gives me confidence. Everyone has been great – the players and the manager – and I hope to play well for the club throughout the season.

When did you first hear Sir Alex wanted to sign you?
I think we had a conversation about five or six months ago. I was very happy but when a club that big shows interest it motivates you to work really hard and continue to do so.

Do you like the level of football and the style of football played in England?
I love it. I love life in England and I love the football here. When I was a kid, I always dreamed of playing in a league that was this good. I’m delighted to have the chance and so far it’s been great for me.

Finally, you must be raring to go, looking forward to playing in the Premier League and in Europe. But before that there's the Asia tour, which starts this week...
The Asia tour is very important and we must put in 100 per cent. It's a long trip but it's important to play well and bond well as a group.

Welcome again – thanks for talking to us and I hope you have a great time here.

Antonio Valencia
Antonio Valencia Manchester United
Antonio Valencia Manchester United
Antonio Valencia Manchester United
Antonio Valencia Manchester United
Antonio Valencia Manchester United
Antonio Valencia Manchester United
Antonio Valencia Manchester United
Antonio Valencia Manchester United

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